Gig Fusion logo

Connecting the music industry.

A digital service platform shaping the future of how the music industry connects. When music matters most, connect with the people who matter to you.

power button

Create. Engage. Connect.

The future of connecting the music industry really is this simple.
Connecting musicians, managers and venues in one arena in a few simple steps.

musical note

Music matchmaking creating powerful connections.

Free to create profile, easy to add features as you go.
The one stop intuitive platform to develop closer and relevant contacts.

Coming Soon

design your tickets

Design and sell gig tickets.

Easy to use tools to create and sell your own eTickets through your profile and share on your social platforms. Payment direct to you.


Sound of social.

Seamlessly share your profile across multiple digital and social platforms allowing you to focus on creativity and growing your career.


Stay in-touch.

We will keep you in the loop by email with our product releases, new initiatives, events and relevant information.

Secure and spam-free email communication from Studio Botez Ltd only.
For more details about how we process your information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Royal Quays Business Centre, Coble Dene, North Shields, NE29 6DE, United Kingdom
Studio Botez Ltd. is registered in England and Wales No. 09767330. VAT No. GB444051914. ICO Data Controller Registration No. ZA291994.
AppyHive® is a registered trade mark of Studio Botez Ltd. and operated globally by AppyHive Ltd.
© 2015 - 2024 Studio Botez Ltd. All rights reserved.